Lessons Learned & Moving Target

In the old days, the FBI posted photos of the Ten Most Wanted on bulletin boards in post offices all over the country. Only three years ago, when we found a dog abandoned in our neighborhood, we put up posters on telephone poles, on bulletin boards at grocery stores, and placed an ad in the local print newspaper. This week I’ve learned that times have changed.

We had a major lesson in the power of Social Media when Bella, the Book Tour Dog–and the dog we found abandoned three years ago–went AWOL for 23 hours–that’s twenty-three very long hours! Her bolting out of the yard through an open gate set off a multi-state social media storm with enough activity that it caused problems for our Internet server. We were in Tucson. The blog update I sent out caused people in other states to contact friends and relations in Tucson to pass along the poster Bill had created. One fan contacted a Tucson media guy who tweeted the message to his 18,000 followers. The Golden Retriever Rescue e-mal list was activated. One of our sons sent a message to Craigslist and voila!!

While we were worrying and waiting and shedding more than a few tears, Bella, a long-haired miniature dachshund, was safely ensconced in a banker’s box in the leasing office of a nearby mall. She had popped through a tiny hole in the sound barrier wall and went straight to the nearest security guard for help. Smart dog. She stayed in the mall’s leasing office overnight, and we got a call from the people who worked there the next morning when they checked Craigslist. I’ve always been dubious about Craigslist. But then I used to think of dogs Bella’s size as WOFs (Wastes of Fur.) As my mother used to say, a wise man changes his mind; a fool never does. Please consider this a formal announcement that my mind has been officially changed–about Craigslist AND about WOFs!

Deadly Stakes

Deadly Stakes

When I wrote that blog piece, Bella was gone and my heart was simply breaking. I had no idea that that particular series of blogs from losing her to finding her would turn result in highest readership numbers ever recorded on my blog, and that taught me another big lesson. Not only did my fans read it, they then pressed the send button and passed it along to other friends and relations–to people in their contact lists who perhaps have never read my books before, but who care about dogs. (I have a sneaky suspicion that people who care about dogs–or cats or turtles or even retired racehorses–might also like my books!!)

So here’s my hope. This is a letter to my readers that is not only a book announcement, it is also a request. Feel free to share this with anyone on your contact list who might be interested. Who knows? You might personally be responsible for creating a brand new J.A. Jance reader, and I’m thanking you for that in advance!

The first item of official business then is about Deadly Stakes, Ali # 8. That goes on sale in paperback on November 26, just about the time folks are heading out for that first frenetic round of holiday shopping. Paperback readers have always been a large part of my demographic. These are the folks who do NOT read e-books and they don’t read hardbacks, either. Maybe you’re one of them. Or perhaps you have some devoted paperback readers on your shopping list. Now’s the time to use that B & N coupon that just came in the mail this past week–you know, the one that expires November 30th.

Moving Target, Ali #9

Moving Target, Ali #9

And for dessert? Here’s a sneak preview of the cover of Ali # 9, Moving Target. The book was due to go on sale February 11, but that’s the interesting thing about moving targets–they move! So now the pub date for that is February 18. It’ll be a little too late for Valentine’s Day, but this way, I get to be home with MY Valentine on Valentine’s Day.

Happy Reading,
