Steady As She Goes

This has been an odd week. The ebook edition of Girls’ Night Out went on sale on Tuesday, and it felt like nothing happened.

There were no interviews, no zoom calls, no signings, no hoopla, so it felt like a non-event.

I’ve heard from some readers. One said that reading about Twinkle and her father reminded her of helping her own father work on his International Travelall.

Another said that she thought Twink deserved, if not a book of her own, at least more stories about her.

Someone else pointed out that there’s a printing problem in the book. In passages where texts appear, it’s not clear which person is which. I’m told NY is working to resolve that issue.

In the meantime, I’m hoping that more of you will give Twinkle Winkleman a try and let me know what you think.

So what have I been doing in the meantime? Working on the next Joanna Brady book, By Reason of Insanity, that’s what!

Over the years, I’ve learned that the first twenty percent of any given book is the toughest part to write and the last forty percent is the easiest. So far in this instance, that has not proved to be true.

I’ve been marching steadily through the story at a rate of two to three percent a day. I’m currently at 36.9%. (No, I don’t get to count that as 37%. I’m not someone who rounds up!)

So if you feel as though today’s blog posting is giving you short shrift today, sorry. When a book is working like that, it’s hard to pull myself away from it.

After all, writing books really is my day job. Writing blogs is my hobby.

And let’s just hope that writing the ending of this book is as fun as writing the beginning has been.