Some fans are simply fans. I may know a bit of their story, but often I don’t even know their names.
Years ago, at a signing at a tiny no-longer-extent bookstore in Tucson, a grungy looking guy showed up fresh from the homeless shelter where he was living. Turns out, among the books he’d found in the shelter’s small library, he’d encountered some of mine. He came to the signing and gave me a coffee mug he’d made in a local pottery class as his way of saying thank you. I’m not sure my photograph here does it justice. I don’t drink coffee from it because it’s a work of art. It sits on a side table in the hallway. Although I have no idea of his name and saw him only once, I think of him every time I do one of my inside laps. My pottery-making artist is one of the former. Now you’ll be introduced to some of the latter.
In 2008, Bill and I did a 5,000 mile, car-and-driver book tour. One of the events was in Boulder, Colorado, at a public library. Terry, a fan who lived in Grand Junction, drove almost 200 miles one way to come to the signing. When she arrived, the people in the library told her the room was filled to capacity and wouldn’t let her in, so she had to wait outside. After the talk, when I signed her book and heard her story, I was furious. If I’d known about that, I would have thrown Bill out of the room and let Terry in, but that was the beginning of our friendship.
She was a first-rate fan. When a book came out, she’d open the audio edition on the stroke of midnight and listen to it through h the night. By the time I’d crawl out of bed the next morning, her review of the new book would be sitting in my mailbox. The same thing was true of the blog. She always commented—not on the blog comments page but by sending me a personal email. One Friday, she didn’t comment. I waited a day or two. After three I tried calling on the phone. No answer. Finally, the following Thursday, I called the local Sheriff’s Office and asked them to do a welfare check. Turns out, she was in the hospital in an ICU with no access to a telephone. After that, Terry gave my contact information to her caregiver. That’s how, years later, I learned that Terry had passed away. Her caregiver gave me a call.
And then there are my two incredibly loyal Tucson fans, Janice and Valerie. I first remember seeing Valerie and her husband, Ted, at a bookstore called Footprints of the Gigantic Hound. At the time, Ted had such an amazing white beard that he could have been a dead-ringer for Santa Claus if he hadn’t been way too tall. Janice and her husband, Frank, generally showed up at signings on the far northwest side of town, but they were there often enough, with Janice flashing her amazing smile, until I could recognize her on sight and was able to personalize her books without asking for her name.
Then time passed—lots of it. Janice and Valerie read the blog, made occasional comments, and showed up in person at events whenever possible. Then in the fall of 2020, I received emails from each of them individually saying that their respective husbands, Ted and Frank, were in separate Tucson-area hospitals with non-Covid ailments where neither Janice nor Valerie were allowed to set foot. They were able to visit their menfolk only through windows. With two of my fans in the same town in much the same boat at the same time, it made sense to put the two strangers in touch with each other, and eventually they became friends. Then another fan named Michelle came along. She was in Texas. Her husband had come down with Covid and was being transferred from hospital to hospital miles away from where she lived. One night, after trying to visit him, she hit a deer on a country road on the way home and wrecked her car. So Michelle was added to the group, and so was my childhood friend, Pat, from Florida. When Michelle’s husband eventually succumbed to Covid the other four of us were there to provide support as she started over.
We called ourselves the Circle, and we’ve stayed in touch with group emails ever since, keeping one another updated about what’s going on in our lives. During that time three of us—Valerie, Janice, and I, have been unavoidably cast into the role of caregivers to our spouses, and it’s not been an easy road. Earlier this fall, I saw a TV video of an older couple, an elderly man and his much younger wife, walking on a beach. As the old man tottered along over the uneven terrain, his wife surged past him, marching along without bothering to offer him a steadying hand or even glancing back to see how he was doing.
I was incensed by her utter disregard. How could she not reach out to help him? And my instant thought was, “At least I’m NOT HER!” Neither are Valerie or Janice. Janice has been there to pick Frank up off the floor whenever he falls. Valerie has spent weeks sleeping on a sofa in their living room, keeping vigil next to Ted’s hospice bed. Earlier this week, Ted passed away, but I’m sure that, exhausted as she is, Valerie would willingly have continued to be Ted’s “NOT HER” for much longer. And now the Circle, one that grew out of fans who became friends, will be there to offer comfort and support to Valerie she finds her way in this new part of her life.
As for me? I’m grateful for all of my fans—the one-and-done guy who gave me the coffee mug and ones like my late friend Robin, a retired school psychologist, whose night-owl, early morning messages kept me engaged and entertained for years.
All those years ago when I was a kid in Bisbee, imagining a future where I hoped to become a writer, I had no idea how much I would come to value interactions with my readers. That’s a side benefit of living my dream that I never saw coming.
PS. Once again, if you’re unable to see the photo, try clicking on the comment page and then go back and check to see if it’s there. If that doesn’t work, send me a note at
We all value our “interactions” with you because you have the gift of reaching us in a way other writers can’t.
I love that you called the sheriff to check on Terry! How many people would do that? Most of us would just try to explain to ourselves why we hadn’t heard anything.
I am a bookseller, a big fan of your books, and now, more and more, a personal fan!
I hit something and what I was writing disappear. I will start again.
I look forward every week to your newsletter. I have read all of your books. Sometimes more than once. You bring laughter and tears into my life. A few years ago you were at the library in Apple Valley, Minnesota. I and a room full of people enjoyed Your presence. You didn’t just come and give a five minute talk. You were there early and you were there late and you were a joy. Thank you for bringing so much joy into my life.
I always look forward to your email every Friday. It brightens my day. It’s amazing that you have kept in touch with your fans. I am a book lover and yours rank at that the top of the list. I would have loved to come see you in person but I can longer travel long distances.i just started keeping up with my steps. I don’t think I will ever get to 10,000 but I’ll keep on walking. I can’t wait until the next book!
Even your blogs are interesting! I wait for all your books to come out and read them immediately, at least a couple of times. It must be a lot of work writing such great reads. I’m only 69 , And I get tired out by the end of the day . I couldn’t imagine what it must be like to be a successful author!
Good morning…your newsletters are always the first thing I read when I open my emails! They often tug at my heartstrings.
Have read the entire Ali Reynolds series and discovered JP Beaumont during one of those reads. So now I have begun reading “his” series and love them. Two favorite Bucket List states are Washington and Arizona and we are not travelers in our golden years. So I live vicariously thru your most entertaining characters. Oh the pictures my mind paints! Best wishes, Rebbecca Murphy FORTVILLE, Indiana
Love the mug and love that you connect so personally with your fans. Since we met, I have not only considered you my friend, I hope I am considered one of your. At least I know you will remember my name. So excited.
Blessing to you and Bill
I’ve never been to a book signing, but I have been a reader of your books and blog for years. I think we could be friends. I am younger than you (60), but I still think so.
I’m from Bisbee. I love your books and happy you have accomplished your dream.
Thank you for sharing. I look forward to your blogs as much as I look forward to your books! You should publish your blogs in a book. I would love reading them all together. Do you ever do East coast book tours? In 2026 I want to try and coordinate our travel schedule with with your book tours. I just want to Thank you in person for sharing your gift.
What a lovely tribute to dear friends.
I believe many of your readers may fall into that demographic of Not Her, or at least we would like to see ourselves that way. And we wouldn’t want to change places with Her for the world.
Another of your wonderful blogs/story telling. And here I thought I was being fanatical in being a voracious reader of your books. It’s so good to know I’m among “friends” here as a reader of yours. I don’t know how you find the time to write and also keep in touch with your fans.
I’m sure I’m paraphrasing George Burns, but he said, “One of the difficult parts of getting older was losing your friends.” I have learned how true that statement is. Thank you for everything you have written, all your great books and these wonderful blogs. I even amazed myself when I was organizing all that I have read so I can re-read them. Literally boxes.
I’m just another fan but also tall and get MY steps om walking my rescue maltipoo, and just about to turn 89. Breathlessly awaiting your nx book!
This is why you have so many fans. You care. You have stayed in touch with those that you can. That gentleman who gave you the mug cared enough about your books to give you a gift. That is a rare treat these days.
That mug, by the way, looks very nice.
Thank you, Judy, for the sweet tribute for Ted. The heartbreaking part for me is that he died February 3rd, 11 days shy of our 55th anniversary on Valentine’s Day.
It’s a club none of us wished to join. It’s been 18 years for me, and widow is a word I detest. A 55th anniversary is amazing – treat yourself and lift a glass to Ted. ??????
What a blessing!!!
And then there are fans like me. You don’t know me at all but I feel such a closeness to you.
A beautiful mug and a beautiful story! That man had some talent!
Friends are for life, no matter if you met them last week, or 60-plus years ago. There’s a wide age-range of friends in my life. The older ones seem to think I’m a kid! Funny, because I have been a senior citizen for many years!
I don’t know how I would keep on keepin’ on without my friends.
Bless you, and bless all your friends!
Stay well, and keep walking!
Your friend (I hope) and fan, Lana, in Manhattan, Kansas (where the snow piles were as high as an elephant’s eye). Spring is just around the corner!
A great story, just like all your stories. I met you many moons ago in Seattle. It was at an event and you were literally in a corner at a table with your books. I had just started reading ‘Beaumont’ stories and was thrilled to see you. It had to have been in the late 8Os. I have read all your stories and enjoy your posts.
Thank You.
MJ Sanker
Your story touched me as I’m sure it did many others. You have a large, giving heart. It is obvious in how you treat your fans and your friends. Your circle is strong and so are the ladies in it. Bless you all and the lucky men who you share your lives with. I wish you all many more years together.
My son is a potter and I appreciate pieces of pottery that are works of art more so than functional pieces. The artwork on this cup is stunning.
I too was a caregiver for over eight years. My husband is now in memory care and no longer knows who I am. But occasionally, I still get a smile when I show up. I live for those smiles.
Good morning ? 25 years ago your books brought me to Arizona. My son and his family live in Seattle, so you introduced me to both states. So many times your books comfort me, because I see myself in them. I lost my husband in 2004, and each time a book comes out, it keeps me closer to both of you! Five girlfriends from 1966 and I are the circle in my life.
Have a blessed day
Such great friends.
What an imperfect/perfect gift to treasure! You know what was in that soul’s heart when he created it and then gifted it to you. It says a lot about you seeing the soul inside the human form.
I love that you said you’d kick Bill out to let that poor lady who drove 200 miles to see you have his seat!
Back in the ’80 when I discovered your books at Powell’s, I bought every single one you’d written and eagerly await every single character you write about, though I admit, Ali is my favorite since she’s an elder!
Jackie O
How lucky you are for those friends! My husband has MS & while in Ireland in 2023 he spent a week in hospital where we found he also now has congestive heart failure. He was allowed release, without surgery, to finish our yearly holiday only on the condition of a cardiology appointment here in the US & me suddenly learning how to add “nurse to a cardiac patient” to my resume. That was a miracle to accomplish. Thankfully I was able to do that with modern technology & the aide of his neurologist. He’s doing better now! But the friendship you’ve described is, though we belong to a church, what I sorely miss since my bff passed last May. You are truly blessed! (& my favorite author…that a librarian turned me on to many years ago!)
I read all the comments today and completely agree with them about your writing, your caring about your readers, and your willing ness to consider them special friends. You are a very special person. I love your books and look forward to getting a new one, when I can.
Tell Bill I said he needs to continue taking good care of you as you care for him. We will celebrate our 51st wedding anniversary on May 5th. This occurs right after we celebrate our 76th birthdays 10 days apart. I love him more now than I ever though I could. We take good care of each other.
I, too, am a fan of your books. I thoroughly enjoy your personal life stories.
Wow! That homeless man was quite the artist–the mug is lovely, and no wonder you keep it on display rather than drinking out of it.
A few inches away from where I can see your mug on the screen is the pencil holder my autistic great-niece gave me for Christmas. She’s 13, and used clay from their own pasture to shape into a container that’s exactly the right size for my pens and hi-lighters, and painted it with sky and clouds and many-coloured flowers. It totally goes with my kitchen curtains. I just love it. And, of course, I love the giver. Your mug story reminded me to look at MY memento of her, as your mug reminds you of the artist.
What a great mug and great stories! Hope to get to a book signing at some point
What a beautiful mug and what a thoughtful gift. Hope that man is reading your Blogs and sees this one.
I understand your caregiving circumstances as I’m in them with Dave (husband) currently–not easy.
I’m with you! When my darling husband went down that difficult road I was insistent and grateful to be his caregiver. No, it wasn’t easy but I wanted everything he needed done, done now and with loving care! From months in hospital traveling to and from 2 or 3 times a day to the months at home, I just wanted to be exactly where he wanted or needed me to be! His picture is now all over my house so I can see his beautiful face smiling at me and hear him in my heart. Thank God for wives like you and your friends. And husband’s who react the same. That’s true love.
Just wanted to take a moment to say how much I enjoy your blog and of course, your books!
Thank you for taking the time to connect with your fans!
Love the mug.
And how you’ve cultivated such wonderful relationships with your readers.
Of which you are one. Mediterranean Kitchen green lentil soup is now a staple in our kitchen. I bring it home in a quart and a half jar.
Thanks so much for all the comments today. I’ve spent my morning working through them and savoring every one. I have yet to start on my steps.
This has been a great week. So many of your books are on sale on Kindle! We’re 79 retired on a fixed income, so I can’t ordinarily buy your e-books although I have most of them in hardcover. Now I’m all set up for our road trips from Fountain Hills(east of Scottsdale) to Torrance, CA. to see our daughter and young grandchildren. Your books make the 7 or so hour trips go by relatively quickly. Thank you so much for all your great books. I really enjoyed the two times I was able to hear you talk and sing!
Your Friday story brought back the loss of my closest, dearest, longest lasting Besty in 2020. One of our favorite things was coming to your appearances here in the Greater Seattle area and buying your latest book. I’ll always miss the quality of our friendship and confidences. We met when we were 8 years old, both moved away from and back into the Seattle area but always stayed in touch. Her daughter calls me “Aunty” as she feels I’m the closest thing to her Mom she has, which is another blessing for me. Her name was Lorraine. We had 72 years as Besties.
In the end all we have left is our friends.
Friends are a blessing in this world. I have only a few friends of more than 40 years . I cherish the fact I have them even though two of them live across the United States from me here in WA state. I love your blog and stories . I also love the cup the man gave you, it is quite a piece of art and so glad you display it.
Just finished Den of inquity, either I read to fast or you need to write faster. I wait for your next releases.
Thank you for entertaining me for years with your books. You even got me to read the Walker Family which I wasn’t too interested in after I had read all the others, but now I really enjoy them and of course I am caught up on all of your books.
Beautiful mug. He is quite the artist.
I met you once when there was a book signing in Sierra Vista. I Had you sign the books for the Bisbee High School, since I was substitute teaching at the time (I subbed at all 3 schools – the High school, Lowell, and Greenway.) Love your books. I’ve been reading them ever since I found “Tombstone Courage” in the Stars and Stripes bookstore when we were stationed in Germany. Sure miss not being able to get to your book signings anymore, since the closest are in Tucson, and seem to always be on weekdays when I’m working.
Reading your blog is a Friday night activity every week and I always look forward to it. You’re an amazing woman and author!
Absolutely correct!
I have been a fan of yours for close to 50 years. I was surprised one year when I visited Bisbee AZ
Thought of you as I walked through town, visited the mine and took a selfie at the Bank. I emailed you and was surprised when I got response so fas. You are a thoughtful person who obviously cares about people. I visit my daughter when she is in AZ and hopefully will have the opportunity to visit a book signing event or if you find your way to Oklahoma City. ??
All my favorite authors are such amazing people who truly care about their readers and fans! Thank you!
Another heartwarming blog! I have a feeling that you’ve make many of your readers feel like you are a good friend. You have this way about you. I know first hand because you had used my friend’s name, Timothy Barrow, in one of your books and I wrote asking you if you knew him. You replied almost immediately. I was so pleased! Please keep on keeping on, JA!
What a wonderful tribute to your fans, both actively pursuing you, like the man with the mug, or the ladies in your “Circle”, who were a bit more vocal and active . (The mug is truly a work of art btw.) I’ve been reading your books since the mid-90s. Thoroughly enjoyed them both then and now. In 2000, my husband gave me a trip to Seattle to see my dearest friend with our boys for my birthday. They were 13-15. And after touring around for a few days, I was very tired, and needed a day at home. So, my boys took a trip into town, and headed to I think The Mystery Book Store, reserved a copy of your latest book for me, and in talking to the person who was checking them out, and telling her all about our trip, and the book being their gift to me for that occasion. I don’t know what led up exactly to this, but somehow, the proprietor managed to arrange with you to come in a few minutes early, so I could meet you in person and get my book signed. It was a sweet visit for me, I don’t remember everything we talked about but I do remember discussing your first Walker book. Anyway, the whole trip is one of my most treasured memories. Thank you for your part in that!
The only author I’ve met at a book signing was Governor Mike Huckabee in Destin, Florida. At the time, I didn’t realize it was okay to stop and talk to him, but wish I had. Such an interesting man, and a long wait to say “Hi!” and make one comment. Knowing your desire to meet and visit with your fans is an inspiration should I ever do the deed again.
I also find your example of forming and being committed to a small group of women an inspiration. Small groups are formed in all kinds of places–even a bar–although churches seem to form them most. I’m a member of a writer’s organization call Word Weavers, International. They have groups of published and in-process authors that meet in person, in addition to online groups via Zoom, when personal meeting aren’t available. My online group has members from Virginia (me), Kansas, Tennessee, Oklahoma and even Germany. Because we only meet once a month for 2 hrs a month, our group starts early to catch up on our lives and give support through thick and thin. It’s invaluable when you have to trust those ladies to critique your work later.
Thanks for keeping your life ‘real’ with us and letting us be ‘real’ with you.
Stayed up late finishing Den of Iniquity. I love all 3 of your series but Beaumont is my favorite. Each one I say it the best yet! Eager to have another Beaumont.
Thank you for sharing this. I “met” you years ago at a book signing in Fort Worth, Texas. I was a fan before then, but your weekly emails make me feel as though I really know you. I love the Beaumont books, but I enjoy the Joanna Brady books too, because my brother lives in Sierra Vista and I lived there from January 1971 to January 972.
This is last week’s blog.