A Thank You 59 Years in the Making

Bill prefers Home and Garden TV. I watch B&G—Blood and Guts, aka True Crime. Something I happened to see last week took me back to the summer of 1966. I had just graduated from the U of A. That summer, while I was waiting to see if I’d be offered a contract by Tucson District # 1, I headed up to Vegas to stay with my boyfriend’s family while I looked for summertime work.

Eventually I was hired as a secretary/receptionist for a small construction company. A few days later, my boss told me that that evening a big boss was flying in from Honolulu to confer with some people from Bullhead City, and they needed someone to go along to Searchlight to take notes of the meeting. Guess who was elected?

Late that afternoon, a guy showed up at the house in a shiny new Cadillac, and off we went. I have no memory of what we discussed on the fifty-plus mile drive from Vegas to Searchlight. When we got there, the town was then—as it is now—not much more than a wide spot in the road. I know there were two casinos and maybe two motels, but not much more. When we arrived, the Big Boss pulled into the first casino, and in we went. He looked around, told me the Bullhead people weren’t there yet, so we walked up to the bar where he asked me what I wanted.

At the time, I was a few months shy of age 22, and the only alcoholic beverage in my vocabulary was “screwdriver,” so I ordered one of those. The Big Boss ordered Chivas on the rocks. We were close to the end of those first drinks when he told me, “I’m going to go call and see where they are.” Since there was no such thing as cell phones back then, he headed for the pay phone. While he was gone the bartender turned back up, checking to see if we needed a refill.

“Who’s going to win,” I asked him, “him or me?”

“Isn’t he your husband?” the barkeep asked.

“No,” I said. “He’s my boss.”

“Lady,” the bartender told me with a grin, “don’t worry about a thing.” Needless to say, my second drink that night was straight orange juice. So was drink number three and the one after that as well.

At some point, I remember Big Boss saying something about my being able to hold my liquor. I told him, “I believe in mind over matter. I came here to do a job. There’s no way I’m going to get drunk.”

Several drinks later, Big Boss told me that the first casino was dead and maybe we should try the other one, so we headed there. Having had only one drink over the course of the evening, I figured I could handle another, but the first bartender had already called the second bartender, and my first drink there was straight orange juice, too. By the way, I believe that’s the last time I EVER ordered a screwdriver.

Eventually, Big Boss told me, “Obviously the other guys aren’t coming, so we should probably try to get some sleep.” At the motel across the street he ordered two rooms at the desk, but when he let me into mine, he walked away with the key. By then I was tired and actually needed to sleep, but there was no way on earth I was going to be caught in that bed. So, having been raised on Doris Day romantic comedies, I came up with a Doris Day solution—I gathered all the bedding and pillows from the bed and put them in the bathroom tub. Then, after closing the door, I wedged the back of the room’s only chair under the doorknob. Then I undressed, climbed into the tub, and actually fell asleep.

Eventually, Big Boss returned to the room. He pounded on the bathroom door for awhile and tried unsuccessfully to open it. I didn’t budge. Later, however, when I heard the sound of prodigious snoring, I got dressed, left the bathroom, and tiptoed out of the room. He was lying on the end of the bed fully clothed with his feet still on the floor. He didn’t budge as I went past. As much as he’d had to drink that night, I’m surprised he didn’t die of alcohol poisoning.

Once out of the room, I walked across the street to the second casino, where I found that the first bartender, now off duty, was visiting with the second one. Sitting there, drinking coffee, they told me that from early on in the evening, Big Boss had been ordering and paying for doubles for me while I’d been drinking straight orange juice. Several hours passed. At five o’clock in the morning, the two bartenders walked me outside, flagged down a passing Greyhound bus, and sent me on my way back to Vegas. The bus driver dropped me off at the Showboat Hotel which was only a couple of blocks from where I was staying.

It must have been seven o’clock in the morning when I walked into the house. My boyfriend’s mother, the woman who would eventually be my first mother-in-law, was watching TV in a cloud of cigarette smoke in the family room when I stepped inside. Her first words weren’t “How are you?” or “Are you okay?” Nope, she asked me, “Did you roll him?” Actually, although he’d been flashing a wallet stuffed with hundred dollar bills all night long, the thought had never even crossed my mind. .Obviously Mary Grandma was a whole lot more worldly than her future daughter-in-law. Later that afternoon, my boyfriend drove me back to the construction company where I went inside and collected my paycheck. That was the last job I had that summer. I spent the rest of the time reading books.

But what came home to me last week, after watching that particular B&G episode, was how close I may have come that night to turning up in the Nevada desert as unidentified human remains at the age of not-quite twenty two. And it occurred to me that it was high time I said thank you to those two unsung heroes—two regular guys working in down-at-the heels bars—who may well have saved my life all those years ago.

I have a feeling that there are a lot of other observant bartenders out there who have done the same thing for other naive young ladies in distress, and I’m saying a heartfelt thanks to all of them. As my mother, Evie, would say, “Whoever you are, you know who you are.”

31 thoughts on “A Thank You 59 Years in the Making

  1. Not nearly as horrific as your story but it brought back a memory of being on a double-blind date. The date of my co-worker kept pushing my co-worker and me to have more drinks, even through we declined. We relented after making eye contact with the waiter and seeing he understood our plight. He brought back our drinks, waited until we took a sip, then asked how our drinks were. We raved about them and made the jerk give the waiter a big tip.

  2. At almost 22 you were just as savvy and gutsy as your characters in your books.
    Yes, you were fortunate to be thoughtfully protected by two very kind bartenders. But you were also smart enough to be looking ahead for trouble. Full props to both you and the bartenders.

    And what a moving story to tell these many years on. Some things change; some stay the same. The possibilities are chilling. The outcome heartwarming.

    thank you

  3. Great story, as usual! You have always been smart, JA! I’ve had a great life of 76 years so far, but only had 1 episode where I might have saved myself. One of my dad’s golfing buddies greeted me, age 13 or 14, in our garage one afternoon when golfing families were enjoying a barbecue in our back yard and I was fetching cookies for them in our cool garage. He scared me when he popped up and said, “How come you got fat?” I had only a second to think about why he would say something like that and then screamed. He high-tailed it out of there and never confronted me again. He’s long departed now, but I’ve always been curious about how he led his life. Back then, no one talked about that kind of stuff, so I was reluctant to share my thoughts with anyone.

    What memories you evoke, JA. (Btw, I hope you don’t mind me calling you JA?). I’m so looking forward to your new releases.

  4. Had a terrible experience & almost lost my life & he was a 15 year old kid & I was married and had a family (not young chick).
    Don’t trust!!

  5. What a great story, so glad it turned out like it did. A big Thank You to all those guys, “Whoever you are, you know who you are” who have “saved” a young girl in distress.

  6. What a wonderful story. You are such a great storyteller. My mother-in-law would have loved your stories too. She was from the Smokey Mountains in Virginia and also a story teller. I wish I had been able to spend more time with her and heard more of her stories. Thank you.
    There are good guys in the world and they do need to get their “thank you” for what they do. I always tried to be one of them as well.

  7. Thankfully there were two guys looking out for your safety. Obviously you were smart enough even at your young age to protect yourself from a predator. I felt like you gave us a great short story here. Writing was already in your blood at the innocent age of 21.

  8. From the minute I read your first Beaumont mystery, you had me hooked. I loved this story of your early life. You were pretty smart for an innocent. I love your weekly blogs. Thanks Judy

  9. How I enjoyed your memory. I was reminded of my roommate when we first moved to Denver soon after we graduated from college. For some reason she decided to go on a date with our neighbor ~ an older guy we called Greek Pete. He took her to strip clubs, much to her shock! and he kept ordering her drinks. She managed to signal the waitress and for the rest of the evening she was served Shirley Temples. Pete finally brought her home and continued his pursuit of her over the following weeks and months. She did not want to talk with him, and so for the rest of the time we lived there I always answered the phone and was kept busy figuring out reasons why she couldn’t talk to him!

  10. Great story! When I first got sober, 37 years ago, I was told that most bartenders would understand if I ordered a “screwup” instead of a screwdriver. Just a day short of my first sober “anniversary”, while on a business trip, I ran across a bartender who didn’t get the message and gave me the real thing. One sip, and my work colleague asked me what was wrong. I blurted out that I was sober now, which I hadn’t told anyone at work. He took my drink to the bar, brought back orange juice, and never said a word about it. I was forever grateful!

  11. I’m always glad when I read about people and their sobriety. I too have been clean and sober for 35+ years. Thanks to my wife who inspired me to. She’s gone now but I am forever thankful to her. I doubt I’d have made it to his age if I had not. As you said, “forever grateful!”

  12. Wow! Reminds me of my first job out of college also waiting for a county job to come thru. My first boss tried a similar thing which I fortunately got out of never returning to that office. The person I was to replace mailed my items left there. My dad never questioned me not returning to that job and I never told anyone else. I was 22 also. -judy

  13. Your guardian angel was working overtime that night! Glad you survived! Some day (maybe) I’ll tell you my story involving a vodka martini, a married man I worked with in advertising, going to the 21 Club, a taxi ride home where I lost a pearl earring but not my virginity. My guardian angel was definitely with me that night! BTW, I was also 22.

  14. Great description of memorable group of heroes, you didn’t know them prior to those incidents, now HOW MANY YEARS LATER, here they are…wonderfully described and thanked. Brought this story to mind …when I was a senior in high school, my first real job was part-time cashier at what was then considered a high end shoe store. One day, I mentioned to my boyfriend that one old guy (was probably 30) salesman was always suggesting some sexual activity and how I stayed out of his way. The next time I worked, I was surprised to see my boyfriend, all six foot three inches, 220 pounds football player show up…asked which salesman was the culprit. Then I watched/listened as my boyfriend told him what he would do if it happened again.
    The inappropriate annoying comments stopped. Here is a huge THANK YOU to Don, wherever he may be.

  15. They were your guardian angels! I I grew up calling a man my second dad, a Seattle Police officer who had been partnered with my dad so my dad could keep him in line. Years later Gary Krueger (he’d taken early medical retirement and not by choice) the man I loved as a 2nd dad was arrested for bank robbery. We forgave him, fully believing that was his only crime. A few years later we found out that he had murdered many people, more than the cops today even realize. I would go vacations with Gary, his wife Betty, and their daughter Kim. On one vacation there was another family with us, and we had separate rooms. The other kids were in our room with us and Betty. Gary, the other dad, and the mom were not there, and the mom never returned. Gary told me not to tell my parents about the mom not coming back, he told me it would upset my dad to know that she’d left her kids. Years later, Gary played out a very similar scenario, the police investigated it and believe Gary and the husband murdered the wife. When I heard about it, I contacted the police about the incident decades earlier but since I didn’t have names, they didn’t seem interested. Some of the people Gary murdered believed they were Gary’s friend, lent him money, and when they pressed Gary to repay them, they were murdered. When Gary got out of prison for bank robbery, both my mom and stepdad and my father lent Gary money, not for Gary’s sake so much but for Betty and Kim’s. I thank God my parents did not push him to pay the money back. Off point, but I would still like to know how he managed to serve such a ridiculously short sentence for bank robbery. I believe there are many unanswered questions about Gary. To this day at times I can’t believe a man, who I loved so dearly, murdered so many people.

  16. Yes, there are good people out there. I got the “bright” idea in the late 60’s, when I was at WSU, to hitchhike from Pullman WA to Moscow ID, 10 miles away. An older man picked me up. He spent the whole time warning me about hitchhiking. Being young I was oblivious to thinking that anything bad would happen to me. He might have saved my life. I never attempted to hitchhike ever again.

  17. What an experience for you. Great bartenders!! You kept your wits about you. My mom and her partner used to have a tavern and they were always watching out for this kind of situation.

  18. Quite the story, J.A. Those two bartenders were your guardian angels. They obviously knew the big boss and kept him away from you.

    They deserve a lot of thanks, and you used your wits to outfox him.

  19. Oh my goodness. I graduated high school in 1966 and had my first job as a steno/typist (remember those?) when I had just turned 17. After that I went to Canada Dry as a secretary and I was asked by my boss, who was so nice but an alcoholic, if I would go with him to buy a gift for his wife. I did – then lunch where he got snockered and as we were leaving, he knocked over a waiter’s tray! I was so embarrassed. I got him back to the office, sat him down where he promptly fell asleep and then I left for the day. Sorry!
    I am glad your bartender watched out for you. And that I took the afternoon off! You are great! Diane in Tucson

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