I may be smack in the middle of writing the crashing climax for the next Joanna book, Downfall, at the moment, but the calendar tells me that the book tour for Clawback is approaching like a speeding freight train. That means, once again, it’s time to write a combination blog/newsletter announcement. Some of you may be asking yourselves, “Why both?” Here’s the reason. After each newsletter, I hear from folks who never receive it, even though their information is right there in the database. The only way they get the information is by reading the Blog. And each time AFTER the announcements go out, one person’s name in particular shows up on the UNSUBSCRIBED list, even though she has never unsubscribed. So combo it is, and here goes.
Thanks to my IT Gal, the Clawback tour schedule is now posted on my website, www.jajance.com. Click on Schedule. When you see the map, click on your state. Appearances in that state will be listed at the bottom of that state’s page. This seems simple enough, but you would be amazed at the number of people who won’t be able to make it work without sending me an e-mail first.
As you’ll see on the Clawback schedule, the tour kicks off in Tucson on March 3, with a Thursday afternoon appearance at Voyager RV Resort. Although most of the attendees will be from the resort itself, it’s my understanding that non-residents are also welcome to attend.
I will be doing a number of events at the Tucson Festival of Books. If you want to attend one of those in particular, please go to the TFOB website and register for tickets. There is no charge for tickets, but having them in advance will guarantee that you have a seat and will help avoid your having to stand in long lines. If you come to the festival with a stack of books to be signed, the festival handlers may limit the number that can be signed at any one time. However, I have a short name. I do not like to leave unsigned books in my wake, so just go to the end of the line and come through again. We’ll make it work. If you do bring lots of books, you might want to consider bringing along a rolling cart. The mall at the University of Arizona is a lot longer than it looks.
And now, knowing I’m about to open the snail-mail floodgates, here’s the bookmark call out. I have bookmarks for both No Honor Among Thieves and for Clawback. The bookmarks are long and thin and don’t weigh very much. If you want two bookmarks, it is not necessary to send two SASE’s. However, please don’t think you can use one of your left-over Christmas card or greeting card envelopes for your SASE. If you do, I’ll either have to fold your bookmark in two or else cut it in half. As for those of you who are outside the US? Some generous soul recently gave me a supply of forever International stamps. So just send me a self-addressed envelope with no stamp required. Going through the hassle of arranging for international postage is not necessary.
The address for bookmark requests is:
J.A. Jance, P.O. Box 766
Bellevue, WA 98009
Please be advised, I am not Amazon, and this is not an overnight process. I personally sign and personalize every book mark. You will receive your promised bookmarks eventually, but NOT by return mail. I’m writing this announcement in Tucson. By the end of the tour I’ll be in Seattle. I will sign the bookmarks only when and if my body, my red pen, the bookmarks, and the SASEs are all in the same place at the same time. If you look at the schedule, you’ll see that probably won’t happen in the immediate future.
This is usually the time when I’m suffering from pre-tour jitters, but not right now. It turns out Joanna Brady is in deep trouble at the moment, and I need to go back to Downfall and see what I can do to get her out of it.
See you on the road.