Do I Have a Link for You

It’s that rare thing in the middle of a book tour—a relatively quiet morning on the book tour.  I’m sitting here in my chair in Tucson with the lap top on my lap and a dog cuddled up next to me in a chair that was measured for that very purpose—big enough to hold both a dog and a human at the same time.  It’s gray and overcast outside, the kind of day my childhood friend, Pat McAdams Hall, and I used to call “dill and lustless.”  (My auto-correct truly didn’t like that one!)  In half an hour or so, it will be time to go wash and iron my hair and set off for the next event.

Yesterday I did an interview for the local ABC affiliate, KGUN.  It was a fun interview.  I watched a taped version of it on our big screen TV last night and I can tell you High Definition TV isn’t kind to women north of seventy.  But there you are.  Let’s see, how does that old limerick go?

As a beauty I’m not a great star.
There are others more handsome by far,
But my face—I don’t mind it
For I am behind it.
It’s the people out front that I jar.

My publicist in New York just sent me a link to the interview.   Given what I said above, you’ll probably be surprised that I’m going to include it here, but seeing it will give people who don’t have a chance to come to book tour events the opportunity to see the kinds of things they’re missing.  And if you watch the clip on a small screen as opposed to a big one, those pesky and very visible signs of aging aren’t quite so apparent.  Here’s the link:

At events I try to give attendees some idea about who I am and some insight into the origins of some of my characters.  I try to make it fun—more like a visit with a friend as opposed to a lecture.

I’ve been sitting here for a very long time, staring at the computer screen and wondering what to write.  If that’s not the very definition of writer’s block, I don’t know what is.  Since I’ve evidently got nothing pithy or bright or cheery to say, I’m better off saying nothing at all—a version of Thumper’s father’s sage advice.

So I’m signing off for now. Obviously the Tucson Festival of Books (four panels and six signings over two days) left me needing two robe days this week rather than just one.

See you on the road.