In the days following a blog or a newsletter posting, my mailbox usually fills up with any number of interesting comments, some good; some not. Today I thought I’d share a few of those, but first some late-breaking news. The Poisoned Pen just sent me links to the Facebook Live event on March 13 at 6 PM. It’s Daylight Savings time. Arizona does NOT observe Daylight Savings Time. As a result, 6 PM in Arizona is also 6 PM Pacific, so be advised, and you don’t need to belong to Facebook to sign in to watch. Here are the links:
Now as promised, the feedback:
First off, let’s start with the glaring typo that got past me—Thereby hangs the tail. That’s actually the title of a Spencer Quinn Chet and Bernie novel. (By the way, if you haven’t read any of those, you might enjoy them. They’re fun, and the canine narrator’s observations are hilarious.) But that’s not what I meant when I was writing the blog. I meant “Thereby hangs the tale.” Big difference. Not only do I know the difference between tail and tale, I actually typed T-A-L-E, but my old friend autocorrect miscorrected it. (Incidentally, the inventor of auto correct died recently. His funnel is tomato!)
I heard from a woman who was a girlhood friend of my two older sisters and someone I haven’t seen in more than seventy years. It was fun to reconnect with her by email.
And speaking of reconnection, two separate replies made it possible for me to reunite a pair of old friends who had fallen out of touch for a number of years. That felt good.
One woman wrote to say she knew of a place where I could get a good new head shot for a very reasonable price. I appreciated the suggestion, but I think she missed the point. At age eighty, there are no good NEW headshots!
Someone else, an audio reader, wrote to say how much she dislikes the musical interludes between chapters. Unfortunately, that’s not something I can fix. Audio book production practices are above my pay grade.
Someone else said that she likes the Beaumonts and Bradys but not the Ali Reynolds books. That’s fine. The world is made up of different kinds of people and readers, and we’re all entitled to our own opinions. In the eighties I remember what seemed like an elderly woman telling me, “Honey, thank God we’re not all just alike. Otherwise, we’d all be married to the same man and drive a Mustang.”
Another woman mentioned finding a timeline issue concerning one character who died in one book and then miraculously reappeared alive and well in another. She blamed it on my editors. I blame it on me. Over the course of writing more than sixty books in forty years, it’s hard to remember each and every tiny detail, and there are bound to be errors, but here’s the thing.
When I was on the reservation, I learned that each work of art—each basket; each piece of beadwork; each piece of pottery—has to have at least one error because only the Great Spirit is perfect.
That works for me!
PS. Last but not least, here’s a late-breaking response that showed up just in time to make the blog deadline.
There is a guy and his gal from Guelph,
Who found you up there on a shelf.
We’ve read all you’ve written
And with you are quite smitten,
Even if you don’t look like yourself.
Turns out that one, coming from fans in Guelph, Ontario, Canada is the highlight of my week and my all-time favorite limerick! Thank you, David and Joanie!
Any errors in your books are highly outweighed by the supreme content that I find so entertaining. Even the second time around. I’ve recently started re-reading my collection starting with the Beaumont series. This time I’m reading in chronological order. I didn’t know about your books, found “Second Watch” on Amazon, and was hooked. After reading the rest of your series in order I found how they do follow each other. Although you do include enough in each book to educate a first time reader about certain references (time, places, people). Thank you SO MUCH for your gift to us – your books.
I’m doing the same thing, Tom–reading the JP Beaumont books in order. This is the second time I’m reading them. The first time I just read them willy-nilly, in whatever order I found them, but this time I’m deliberately going through them in order, and discovering I’ve missed one or two the first time around. And I second your thanks to JAJ for her gift to us–her books.
This blog fills the void when there isn’t a new JA Jance to read. <3
Can I go with you to get a Good New Head Shot. As I am 86 [ha ha, older than you] I really need one. However, love yours, don’t change it.
Enjoyed watching your Poisoned Pen video and your stories.
Blessings to you and Bill.
Thanks. All wonderful. Quite a tail.
Ah, yes, I wondered about the “tail.” But it makes sense–auto-INcorrect was at work again!
I’m not 100% convinced that you can’t get a good headshot at whatever age. The question is would it be a headshot that would sell books or would it look like someone enough past her prime to write relatable fiction. Marketing is everything.
Judy, you are so good at reconnection people and bringing folks together. Thank you.
I really enjoy your blog, I look forward to it.
My husband and I have family in Guelph and went to school there so I really enjoyed seeing the limerick in today’s blog.
My husband and I are working through your books in audio. I love Ali and Joanna. We started at the beginning and are enjoying them very much.
Although I am a proud Canadian and am boycotting many things American, your books are not in my list of boycotts.
J. A. Jance, I find you so amazing. The stories you write the blogs you put together are the most interesting. I would say ignore the negatives because you are very positive. I enjoy all of your books and are re-reading some and finding them still more enjoyable. Keep up the good work and don’t worry about a new Photoshop. I think your photo is great and you’re doing well. Best wishes to you and Bill.
Ha ha. I loved it. Always enjoy your blogs so fun and uplifting. I’m 81 now and read all your books and enjoy every one.
I don’t do headshots anymore either. I just try to enjoy every day.
I’m live in Tucson now for over 20 years and yes a lot has changed. Keep writing your wonderful books and don’t worry about headshots. Beautiful lady. Have a blessed day.
I look forward to the weekly updates and new books to add to my collections. My bookshelves are filled with my treasures. Recently I donated 13 boxes to the 21st Century Packhorse Librarian(can be found on Facebook), Books to be distributed to those touched by Helene’s path of destruction in our western NC mountains as well as surrounding TN, VA, W VA and SC. Many donations have come from around the country to fuel this operation. God is good and works wonders. My shelves are lighter but your books are still happy and awaiting the next additions.
Can you send me contact information for the Packhorse folks? My email address is
Hi Jan! I just loved this post. Especially the part about the gal who sent you the name of a photographer who could make you look gorgeous. That remark had to have come from someone in their 30’s. At our age, when we look in the mirror, we just see the soul, not the wrinkled, aged human body we inhabit!
BTW, that’s why Ali Reynolds is my favorite–she’s an older soul!
I saw the typo but, figured I’d stay out of the way. Love your books and your blog
I love all three of your characters and cannot wait for the next Ali book to be released. FYI, I a rereading the JP Beaumont series.
Being a newby to your novels, I have the opportunity to read them out of sequence.
However, this has enabled me to be “clairvoyant” by back-tracking, i.e. all of Beau’s past wives and partners and their demise. This is a strange feeling.
Thank You.
You’re also time-traveling back and forth between the eighties and now.
Love your honesty, love your books, your self-deprecating manner, and you always make me smile.
I like the audio books. I think I have most of yours except for the Walker series.
Auto-edit’s “thereby hangs a tail” made me think IMMEDIATELY of Chet and Bernie – need to check and see if there are any of those I haven’t read.
I find the musical interludes between audio book chapters pleasant – we used to listen to audio books on car trips with our kids and would frequently say that we’d stop “at the next chapter” for a snack, etc, so they were also utilitarian for us. Different strokes/different folks….
When I was waiting for one of your new books to come out years ago I read the Walker Family series . I should say I tried to read them but couldn’t get into it .
I sent you an email and said I’d read every series you wrote up to that date except the Walker Family and I was waiting for your next book . You emailed me back and told me a little about the Walker Family and so I read the entire book and went right to the next and I really like that series too now, however much shorter series .
Thank you for your great writing skills
I too am mostly an audio reader these days. I too am not fond of the musical interlude between chapters. I think the message has been passed tho as I haven’t noticed it in the later books. My bone to pick tho is pronunciation. Next Brady book, if you used either the word saguaro or huachuca, could someone tell them how to pronounce them. I was born in Tucson. I know everyone wants to pronounce the g in saguaro which spell check turns into safari . With Huachuca, it took me awhile to even figure that one out as they pronounced it “WA hawk ah.”
I send them pronunciation guides, but does anyone listen? Nope!
I like all your books characters, but, of course, living in Seattle, Beaumont is my favorite and he was the one who got me hooked on your books.
The Chet and Bernie series is a good one! The audible version is so entertaining, I loved hearing the dogs thoughts. Looking forward to watching you online
I see no need to nitpik. Everything you write is wonderful.
Another fun end of the week read. Where you find the time to do this I don’t know, but I’m sure glad you do. My husband and I have both enjoyed the Chet and Bernie novels. he has read every one. I took a break because I was getting the urge to chase my tale…………:-)
Thank you for including the links to the Poisoned Pen event on the 13th. Looking forward to that.
I loved your quote that you learned on the reservation about art. Every art has one error on the Great Spirit can make art with no errors.
You are inspiring and creative.. keep those books and blogs coming
I hope my funnel is many many tomatoes away!