Storms and Rants

For some reason, big storms in the Pacific Northwest seem to happen on holidays. There was the Easter windstorm that happened sometime in the nineties. I was in the middle of cooking Easter dinner for company when the power went out. Bill and his pal, Alan, had gone to an auction and bought a wooden boat that had been damaged the previous winter when a snow-covered boathouse collapsed. They were rehabbing it in the friend’s side yard when the electricity went bye-bye. I called the friend’s house where his wife informed Bill, who was upside down, hanging by his ankles, working on the boat, about what had happened. He famously replied, “I don’t have any electricity in my pocket.”

In a state of absolute fury, I marched out to the backyard, grabbed our gas grill and fired it up and cooked the whole damned meal on that, including heating the water to wash the dishes afterwards. I think abject terror kept that grill running, because the rusted-out hulk never fired up again.

But back to storms. There’s the Columbus Day storm of 1962, the Thanksgiving Day Storm of 1983, the Inauguration Day Storm of 1993, and the Hanukkah Storm of 2006. That shut down power lines for close to a week. Everyone went to Bellevue Square Mall to charge their devices because the mall was the only place with power. The next year I asked for a generator for my birthday and got one. Then there was a mid-December, no-holiday snowstorm, that meant our pre-Christmas party ended up being held on New Year’s Eve. The year after that I asked for a snowplow for my birthday and got one of those, too.

This week we had a no-holiday windstorm. The power went out at 6 PM on Tuesday. Two days in it’s still out and likely to remain so for some time. Fortunately, we had zero damage, and that vintage generator from 2006 is out there plugging away—keeping us warm, the lights on, and the food in the fridge still cold. We’re now able to access the internet by using our cell phone hotspots, so we don’t have to go to the mall, we’re not out of business, and I’m still working.

Last night, when I called it quits on doing the copy-editing edit on The Girl From Devil’s Lake, the TV was off so I did something I’ve done far too seldom the last few years—I opened someone else’s book—a Louise Penny. Turns out it’s not The Grey Wolf, her most recent, but a couple of books earlier, A Trick of Light.

And as soon as I started reading, something hit me. Louise Penny writes her stories in sentence fragments. With wild abandon. And it works. It keeps things moving. In a way you don’t anticipate. And all those pieces of sentences. Flow along. Introducing complex characters. And revealing their motivations. But it’s foreign territory. For me.

As a survivor of Mrs. Medigovich’s English class my senior year at Bisbee High School, I’m compelled to write. In complete sentences. Ones that have both subjects and predicates. Remember those? And don’t even bother mentioning Participles and Gerunds! Generation Z has never heard of them, and neither have their teachers. And if there happen to be two independent clauses in any given sentence. They have to be separated by a comma and a conjunction. (Someone sent me an email this week where there were dashes where there should have been commas! I was appalled. And offended. If you’re an English Major, commas are almost sacred—and that goes for the Oxford comma by the way. That’s the one that comes at the end of a series of more than two items. Like this, this, and this! For example!

PS. In case you’re wondering, here’s the deal with Gerunds and Participles. Gerunds are words ending in ING that are used as nouns. Walking is good for you. Sleeping is too. In these instances both WALKING and SLEEPING are Gerunds. Participles are ING words used as an adjective or as an adverb modifying an adjective. She was a living and breathing walking monster! In this case WALKING is a participle—an adjective modifying the noun MONSTER. LIVING and BREATHING are both Gerunds modifying the adjective WALKING. Got it?

Very early in our courtship, Bill and I attended a play at the Seattle Rep where the sweet young wife of a curmudgeonly English professor goes off on a so-called whale-watching expedition. By the way WATCHING is a participle in this instance because it’s an ING word modifying the noun EXPEDITION! But I digress. Back to the play. The professor finally explodes in anger and shouts: ____ (Insert four letter bad word here starting with an F.) ____ the whales! Save the Gerund!

Only three people in the audience laughed at that line, and Bill and I were two of them. That’s probably one of the reasons we’re still married thirty-nine years later. We both got that joke.

And now, having shown you in black and white why my grandson calls me his Grammar Grandma, I’m going to curl up. Next to our gas-log fireplace. And read a story. That will continue to be told. In one sentence fragment after another. And I intend to enjoy. Every minute of it.


PS.  Although we had a generator, hundreds of thousands of people were suddenly without electricity on Tuesday night and stayed that way for days.  When I went to bed on Saturday evening there were still 60,000 customers in the Seattle area that were without power.  At 4:15 this morning, while we were snug in our bed, someone was out there working in the cold and the rain.  That’s when our power came back on and the generator shut off.  All of which means I have one more thing to say:  THE MOST IMPORTANT LINEMEN IN THE COUNTRY DO NOT PLAY FOOTBALL FOR THE NFL!  And I thank them all for their hard work!

47 thoughts on “Storms and Rants

  1. I am thankful for you and am so happy you are the Grammar Grandma. That makes your work doubly satisfying! Grammar on and keep creating. Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. That was funny. And Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Here–in AZ–great weather–sun–no rain–no storms–lots of electricity.

  3. I had so much trouble in English classes in the 60’s in high school but I appalled at the grammar used by today’s communicators. My daughter and granddaughter are both English majors in college so I can use them to edit anything I need.
    In Alabama we use the generators for our thunderstorms and tornadoes. We have been out of electricity for up to 12 days so we know the feeling.

  4. I’m a baby boomer, born in the mid/late 50s. I at least heard about gerunds and participles (dangling and not) but I never learned to identify them or a preposition for that matter. So it goes back a lot further than generation Z. I also never learned how to diagram a sentence or even know what that means. I’m proud that I usually manage to achieve subject verb agreement, but Mrs. Wolf, 7th and 8th grade English insisted that we use the Oxford comma, although I don’t remember her using that term. Between all that and New Math it’s amazing I can function as an adult.

  5. Thank you for the grammar lesson. It was a refresher as I graduated high school in 1969 when such features of written English were hot topics. By the way, Louise Penny’s latest novel is _The Grey Wolf_ and the one you mention reading is _A Trick of the Light_. You are both favorite authors, although your writing styles are quite different. Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. Okay. I’m officially confused. When you say “LIVING and BREATHING are both Gerunds modifying the adjective WALKING.” does that mean that a Gerund can modify an adjective?

    It seems Louise Penney writes the way people talk. WWMMS – What Would Mrs. Medigovich Say?

    All this grammar talk reminds me of the book “Eats Shoots and Leaves.” (I’m not sure where the commas go)

    Please forgive any errors in this missive. Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. I’ve read many of Louise Penny’s books, but lost interest a few books past. I didn’t care what happened to her characters. I’ve been re-reading Maeve Binchy this week. I guess some think she is a cozy, but I don’t think so. Good stories about ordinary people living and loving in Ireland mainly Dublin. Have visited there so it’s nice to be familiar with locations.

    Power failures are too common here, but I’m prepared with bottled water, cheese and crackers..

  8. I’m almost afraid to make a comment, because I’m sure I use dashes and commas incorrectly, and I’m also sure I’ve never even heard of an Oxford comma, never mind know what it is. But I’ve learned something about Louise Penny today. I’ve read her whole Inspector Gamache series, including her latest, The Grey Wolf, which I just finished a couple of days ago, and I never noticed that she uses so many incomplete sentences. But now that you mention it, yes, she does. And I’m also thinking that, living up here in the north where our world is already covered by a blanket of white, I should probably get a generator also.

  9. That is the best ever. Our kids give me the side eye when I try to correct their English. Grammar Grammy

  10. Still don’t understand all the nuances of our beautiful English language but thank you for trying…

  11. Bless you, Judy, for giving us a good laugh early this day after Thanksgiving. Enjoy your time reading.

  12. I appreciate that you use complete sentences and wonderful grammar. I like Louise Penny, but it’s in spite of the sentence fragments. I do notice them and remind myself that I forgive them because it’s Louise Penny. Personally, I think her writing would be better with complete sentences.

  13. Amen to the linemen! in Asheville NC, post Helene, we were not just without power but water too for weeks! Loved the grammar rant.

  14. We have had a generator for years. Our home welcomed many neighbors in 2011 when a huge storm created no power for many days. It was wonderful to make new friends.

  15. My grammarian was Miss Morgan. To this day I diagram sentences in my head. And proper pronouns in singular and plural usage were drilled into me. I have to apologize continually to individuals who want to be addressed with plural pronouns. I’m working on it!

  16. OMG, your English lesson gave me flashbacks to high school. I was not a good student of that, and should have been a better one. I am not surprised at your skill in that department. I first noticed your use of commas in your writing. Not what I was used to seeing. I also am seeing your expanded vocabulary, there are many words new to me in each of your books. I like that; one must always be open to learning. My wife was my “word smith,” as I called her. She might not have been of your caliber, but she helped me a lot. I was the editor for my veteran organization’s newsletter for many years and she would proof read for me. She’s gone now, I should have asked more questions.

    I identify with your power issues. We get strong winds on occasion and our power company will cut the power to “avoid wildfires” – they say. I would love to have a generator like yours. Maybe I should get my butt in gear and set up the one I have to be easier to power the house on those events.

    Thank you for a great Friday Blog. I love your stories as much as I love your books.

  17. This is not a sad comment. A funny one. The day of the storm, our family came back to Washington from all over the U.S. to celebrate the life of our sister. The day was fairly mild, but the storm roared to life that evening while we were snug in our hotels. The next morning we headed to Tahoma National Cemetery for a family gathering graveside. To our disappointment, all of her flowers were missing. Just a muddy spot with a paper name tag. Then we noticed flowers scattered everywhere. We gathered up what looked to be ours and made a makeshift but somewhat pitiful arrangement. Not sad. We know our sister would have thought it hilarious, so we laughed too. While many genuinely suffered, in hindsight, there are many funny memories as well from storms gone by. Like cooking a full dinner on a BBQ. Heating water to wash dishes.

  18. I really don’t like the way Louise Penny writes, but I did read most of her books for a few years. I much prefer the way you write and have loved every single book. When LP hooked up with Hilary, I quit reading her books. I have already read your newest and loved it too. Keep on what and how you are doing it. I’m on the East coast so doubt I will be able to attend any of your signings, but sometimes miracles do happen.

  19. I didn’t have any problem with Louise Penny’s writing. It was her characters. I didn’t really like them and didn’t care what they did. It’s not like that with Beau. No matter what he does or what happens to him I love reading about him.

    I read almost everything except books with explicit sex scenes and four-letter words.

    And, of course, I avoid Danielle Steel who writes the same book over and over.

  20. I enjoyed your weather almost disaster stories. It’s always fun to read anything you share with us. I too have never been super good with grammar/punctuation. I’ll have to be extra careful when I post replies to your blog. I was thinking about you and Bill when I heard about the storm. My sister in the Capitol Hill neighborhood in Seattle was not impacted, Thankfully. Yes I agree the linemen and women are heroes. After Hurricane Helene and Milton hit our area hard last month we really got to see how very hard they work. I discovered Louise Penny about a year ago thanks to my sister sending a box of used books. I’m devouring her books one after another much like I did with yours when I was first introduced. Never thought about her not writing in complete sentences. I guess I’m too wrapped up in the stories and the characters.

  21. I read a book once where the author only used lower case letters. Drove me crazy. I’ve never read Louise Penny and don’t know if I will!!

    Totally agree with your PS.

  22. Last weeks blog gave me goose-bumps, this one chuckles. Thanks, both were wonderful.

    I remember all those Subjects and Predicates, Participles and Gerunds, but was not then, and certainly not now, good with them. I was much more into math than English. Guess that is why I ended up a bookkeeper and you a writer.

    Hope you, Bill and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  23. Thank you for the English lesson! I have forgotten most of what I learned in school, though I pride myself on my command of the language. Some would consider me a grammar nerd, even if I don’t remember the terms, like gerund and participle. I thoroughly enjoy all of your books, particularly the JP Beaumont series. Reading Louise Penny material would probably drive me bonkers!

  24. I don’t notice those Pennyisms, because I enjoy her books (as well as yours) on Audible these days. I am sure grateful that you both have excellent narrators,

  25. In my part of the world, we call the linemen the original “Pole Dancers”! And may they stay safe and careful in their dances.

  26. Thank you, Grammar Grandma!

    My excellent 7th grade English teacher was Mrs. Margaret Sullivan, McLean Jr. High, Fort Worth, Texas, in the early ’50’s. We had to diagram 20 sentences each night! What she taught us I have been able to use all of my life. Over the years, I have been asked to proofread many speeches, papers, [Oxford comma] and theses.

  27. I live in an area in Sammamish that never gets any power outages. Communities all around us will go dark, but not us, or so it used to be. It was quite a shock when all of a sudden, our power went out Tuesday evening and stayed out for the rest of the week. Since we usually had been insulated from outages, I never got a generator. But then again, we’ve never had a “cyclone bomb” either that I can remember. I’ve never even heard of that term before. Luckily my sons all live in the area and still had power, so I was able to stay with one of them and get extra grandma time with my granddaughter. Fortunately, our power came back on, a few days before Thanksgiving, and I was able to host our family get together.
    I too struggle with commas, but I hope you will not take offense, as we, your devoted fans, would be chagrined if you did.

  28. Your Mrs. Medigovich sounds just like my Miss Partlon!
    I too remember those stormy holidays. In the 1983 storm, my Dad finished our turkey on his gas grill.
    I love your weekly posts. Thank you for sharing.
    Happy day after!

  29. Educational, enjoyable, enlightening and engaging. How’s that for alliteration? (Are any of those Gerunds?).

  30. As a former English teacher I identify with your concern for grammar. Gerunds and participles, too. And if I were to return to teaching (which I am not ha!) my students would have to know. Those old but wonderfully helpful aspects of our language! ?

  31. I too love Louise Penny. But have you read anything by Ellie Alexander? She writes lovingly about Leavenworth WA and Ashland OR, almost making them into book characters! For us Leavenworth lovers, she’s must reading!! Bob Glass

  32. I was a sergeant with the Washington State Patrol stationed in Bremerton in 1983. Our beat included the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, and the Thanksgiving storm that year caused havoc on the bridge. The wind was so strong we were not allowing anything larger than a car to cross the bridge. The Tacoma PD was managing the limitations coming out of Tacoma, and the WSP was on the penensula side. TPD let a pickup truck with a small canopy cross the bridge and the wind blew the canopy off the truck and off the bridge. A man in a motorhome on our side became vary upset with me because I would not let him cross the bridge, so I told him to walk out onto it about 50 feet and tell me what he thought. There was a tall bluff blocking the wind before enterring the bridge, and he did fine until he stepped out of the protected area and into the wind, whereupon he was blown off the sidewalk and into the road. I just thanked God that there were no cars going by at the time. When he got back to me he no longer was interested in driving his motorhome across the bridge.

    By the way, I love Louise Penny books too. Almost as much as yours.

  33. As a former Grammar Goddess, designated as such by two former students, I enjoyed your gerund review.
    There were three of us identified as such on our stuff; I always enjoyed teaching it and tried to make it fun; it IS possible with just a little effort.

  34. Hi to JA Jance. As it happens, there are two writers who often use partial sentences, Louise Penny and Kathy Reichs. I happen to love both writers, and love partial sentences (having failed dangling participles and diagramming sentences in high school). I write that way so love the partial sentences a lot! But I still love your writing, J.A. Jance, because it is the closest thing to pure dialogue there is… Thank you for your books. My favorite right now is your poetry book After the Fire, because I apparently think in rhymes…no matter what the mood it goes to poetry first for me.

  35. I so enjoy your blogs, JA! As an English major from the late 1960’s, I understand exactly what you’re saying. And when I see the texting abbreviations and know how our younger generations lack good reading skills, I shake my head. What a shame.

    I hope you have sunny holidays from now on. <3

  36. #12 Louise Penny was the first of her books I read. I was loaned to me.
    After too long a spell I started reading it and had to stop. In just a couple of the first pages there were several one or two word sentences. I am hopeless at English and grammar, but I knew that was just wrong. Finally, needing to return the book I knew I had to read it. It was great and I read all there were and then a couple more times again, paying more attention to things you don’t catch the first time around. She is sneaky that way. She is rewriting the same books lately, repurposing I guess. Can’t bring myself to read the latest one. I’ll leave it for a sale…..maybe.

  37. Much as I like Penny’s books, the sentence fragments annoy me to no end. I prefer sentences that a real, diagramable sentences! I’m glad to know I am not alone. I’m glad you write in sentences, too. Thank you for such enjoyable and readable books.

  38. I have to admit I am one of the grammar police. Our son lives just south of Salt Lake City and there is a Certified Public Accountant office that is close to the northbound lanes of I-15. Their sign is very visible from the freeway. For years it said “Smith & Smith CPA’s” (not the real name). It was finally changed to CPAs the last time we visited.

  39. Great blog!!! My mother was a grade school teacher and her mother was a stickler for using correct language. I am 77 yrs old and I hate the way things are written now. BUT I love Louise Penny!! I am particularly disgruntled by everyone not knowing the difference between “lay” and “lie!” I keep expecting to see piles of eggs every where!

  40. Thanks for the memories – the Columbus Day storm when I was 12 and the days in college and for several years after when I still remembered what parts of speech were. I do remember the storm – Dad had left for a hunting trip in the morning and Mom took us to the ground floor to spend the night where we watched large tree branches sail through the sky and onto our hayfield. And I definitely remember being very good at diagramming sentences and being able to correctly identify run-on sentences and the like; I was a very strict proofreader in the days when it mattered. But I’ve given up. I will be chuckling for days over the fact that I’ve read all of the Louise Penny books, as well as all of yours, and never noticed the differences in grammar but enjoyed all of them immensely. It’s hard to decide if my favorite character is J P Beaumont or Armand Gamache; but I would definitely like to meet both of them. Thanks again for all you do.

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