Deadline Met

When I started writing By Reason of Insanity earlier this summer, my goal was to have the manuscript in my editor’s hands by the on-sale date for Den of Iniquity, September 10. I made it, but just barely. The manuscript went to New York via email at 10:24 PM on September 9.

Whoo-hoo, right? Wrong!

After sending it off, it was time to help get Bill settled in bed. That includes a couple of trips up and down the hall, including getting his heating pad heated and in the right spot under his feet. As I headed down the hall with the heating pad in hand, I heard water running in the powder room as I walked past. I figured the flushing tank hadn’t shut off properly and decided I’d fix it when I came back down the hall.

Except it wasn’t a leaky toilet. The faucet under the sink had sprung a leak. I called our property manager who came over from next door and shut off the water. The plumber came the next day and fixed the leak, but we’re still waiting for a new faucet. That should arrive soon.

But needless to say, it was not a good night for sleeping, and a decent night’s sleep before opening day is always a good idea. Fortunately, at Third Place no one went so far as to say I looked tired because I WAS tired, and I might well have punched out whoever had nerve enough to mention it.

What did I do yesterday? Absolutely nothing. I got my steps, but I didn’t sign and send bookmarks. We had leftovers for dinner. I was in bed by eleven which is early for me.

Today while I was out walking, I was thinking about previous book tours where I’d do two or three events a day for the whole first week, to say nothing of traveling. So yes, I guess it’s time for me to admit it. I’m not as young as I used to be. And maybe it’s a good thing publishers are cutting back on book tours, because it’s about time I did.

One of very my loyal fans, Terry House, passed away a number of months ago. She was someone who would start reading a new book when it came through on her Audible account at midnight and send me her review well before noon the next day. So I missed hearing from Terry House yesterday.

But today I have my steps in for the day. And I’m hoping to have the bookmarks ready to mail by tomorrow. Why? Because the copy-edited manuscript for Overkill should arrive tomorrow or the day after, and by then my nose will need to be back to the grindstone.