What’s In A Name

For the past several years, starting with the Pandemic, I’ve maintained a fairly strict news embargo—my personal way of maintaining six feet of mental distance between me and the world’s constant barrage of bad news.

For someone who read two newspapers a day for most of her adult life, going off it almost cold turkey came as a big shock to my system, but the never-ending panic mongering and political divisiveness finally became too much to bear, and I called a halt.

At this point, I scroll through the headlines of the local on-line “paper,” check the TV listings, read my three preferred comics, my two remaining “advice columnists,” and I’m done. I can do the whole thing in ten minutes flat.

My least favorite headline this morning was one that said, “Why you don’t need to exercise every day.” I did not read the article, just as I don’t read the ones that rip the whole notion of people getting 10,000 steps a day. It’s my exercise program, and I’m sticking to it, so there!!!

But this week, even with my news-filter firmly in place, I couldn’t help but learn that Donald Trump and someone named J.D. Vance were the Republican nominees for President and Vice President.

When I walk, outside, generally for at least a solid hour, it’s just “me, myself, and I,” as my mother would have said and my preferred pronouns. The dogs lie on the porch, watching me and they probably think I’m nuts, but while I’m walking, that’s what I’m doing—thinking.

Sometimes I’m thinking about the next scene in the book I’m working on, or else I’m thinking about fixing the one I wrote yesterday. Sometimes I’m watching the birds fighting over the suet blocks or just enjoying the flowers blooming in their various pots.

But the day after the Republican nominees were announced, I remember thinking, “How long before someone gets JD Vance mixed up with JA Jance. Turns out the answer is “Not long at all.”

Last night I received an apology email from a woman in New Mexico saying that when JD Vance was elected to serve in the Senate, she got him confused with me and stopped reading my books cold turkey. (Sort of like me and the news!)

She said that now that she’s become aware of the mixup, she’s back to reading my books. I wrote to her saying welcome back, all was forgiven, and no apology was necessary, but depending on how long Mr. Vance has been in the Senate, she has a lot of catch-up reading to do.

So in this blog I want to make my stand on this issue perfectly clear. JA JANCE IS NOT RUNNING FOR OFFICE. The only public position she is interested in maintaining is that of being a well-respected mystery and blog writer. You’re welcome to vote early and often.

By the way, as they say in all those dreary political commercials, “I’m J.A. Jance and I approve of this message.”

61 thoughts on “What’s In A Name

  1. Fortunately JD has only been in the Senate a couple of years, so she won’t have too many to read

  2. I must admit that years ago I had you two confused. NO LONGER. You can have my vote any day.

  3. I am surprised that you hadn’t heard of the author of the best-selling book Hillbilly Elegy before he spent his one year of poor decisions in Congress. I read the book when it was first released and did not trust its author. His endorsement pivot in the last few months supports my initial reaction. I have read YOUR books since the parents of a former girlfriend of one of my sons met you at a Northwest B&B in about 1995 and made the recommendation. I have read all the JP Beaumont, Ali Reynolds, Joanna Brady, and Walker Family books. Thank you!

  4. I love your sense of humor!! I should have told you this many years ago.

    I’m glad you’re not running for any kind of public office. You wouldn’t have enough time to write!

  5. I’m so glad to hear that you’re not running for office and will continue to entertain us with your writing. I also was a news junkie, and about the same time as you had to “cut the cord” so to speak. I always watched the “Nightly News” and the eleven o’clock news as well as my daily newspaper. I began having trouble sleeping when the news was pounding so much fear that I had to stop watching/reading. I still read the online newspaper, scan the headlines and may read an article or two. And (as you) read an advice column too. I have also had to remove myself from most politics, and I was an avid follower. I keep myself informed, but not overwhelmed. I’m so glad that J. A. Jance is still my writer, my brain entertainer…and not the other initialed person.

  6. It’s too bad you have made your political views known. I will no longer read your books. Please remove me from your newsletter.

    • I must have missed seeing where she made her political views known. Please enlighten me.

    • I don’t believe she did make her general political views known. J.A. Jance has maintained a very apolitical stance in her books and her blog. Not wanting to be confused with another person is neither an endorsement nor a rejection of the person’s political stance.

      • I don’t remember J.A. Jance ever discussing politics and I don’t believe there is anything political in her wish to get names straightened out.

        Did I miss something?

    • My political views are the opposite of my sister’s and my brother along with several of my clients. But I don’t disown them. That’s what a free country is about. Sorry to hear that you feel that way about JA Jance because her books are remarkable.

    • I have no clue if you mean JAJ would be too left or right for you.
      What I know is, that I would be in the other party, vs JAJ, if I read stuff right.
      But, I would have 100% voted for her. If I lived in USA.
      Common sense, beats toxicity, in my list.

  7. When my daughters heard about Vance they said, “Isn’t that someone Mom reads”! I assured them I read JANCE not Vance!!

  8. You might be interested in reading J.D.Vance’s book about his life, Hillbilly Elegy. It is not political.

  9. Got a good laugh from todays blog. They are always entertaining, sometimes pensive. Today’s made me laugh out loud.

    Like you, and so many others, I have given up the news. I don’t take a newspaper, don’t turn on my TV, and only occasionally check the online headlines.

    Glad you are not running for any political office so you can keep on keeping on with your writing. Can’t wait for the new Beaumont novella next week.

  10. Judy,
    I find that hilarious. I chalk that up to people who aren’t paying much close attention to what they read or hear.

    Still, glad you got that lady on the right track.

  11. Had a little chuckle about the mix-up story!

    I’ve been without access to a TV for nearly 20 years. Can’t say that I have regretted it. I’ve listened to a lot of books during that time, including most of yours. Better use of time!

    Keep writing! You fans love it!

  12. I wish you were running for office! I think you have more common sense that all the politicians put together! I also quit reading the papers and watching the news because of the idiocy of the politicians!

  13. Just want to say how cool it was to read of a “good gal” character in a book byAllison Brennan who needed refuge and she was a fan of JAJance’s Sheriff Brady books and chose Busbee to go to to be safe. Very cool, indeed.

  14. I’m still laughing over that mix up in names. Thanks for starting my Friday off with a laugh. We still get The Seattle Times delivered daily. I glance through the first section and then head to the comics and puzzles. I do Ken Ken, Wonderword, Jumble, Sudoku and Hocus Focus. Dave and I together do Jumble–he can get the words quicker than I can but I can usually get the answer where he can’t.

  15. Some 35 years ago I joined a church congregation, and the first person who came up and introduced himself to me said, “Hi, I’m Bill Clinton.” Well, he wasn’t the man I knew was serving as Governor of Arkansas and was beginning to look like a contender for President, though he was even better looking, and over the years he thoroughly enjoyed joking about his “namesake”.

    As annoying as I often find the creative naming that has been happening more frequently in this country, I can understand that, when one has a relatively common surname to work with, it can be very tempting to come up with unique first names.

  16. The name mix-up sounds like an Emily Littella comic skit that would end w “…never mind…” Thank you for this morning’s chuckle.
    Need an update on Mr Short-Tail–is he still around and what color has he developed?
    Hi to Bill, xx, Annie

  17. We all think our name is just for us. My mom got a phone call from a friend the lady was offering condolences on my deaf. My mom told her I was very much alive. We learned there was another Larry Cook in the next town over. It was a day that made me thing about my name. I have checked on find a grave. There are Larry Cooks that have passed.

  18. My brother-in-law married a woman with the same first name as mine. This means there are two Patricia xxx’s in the same town. Before vendors started using birth dates to confirm identity, prescriptions, medical information, and on and on and on were commingled or just ascribed to the wrong one. We both had to ensure that the doctor/pharmacy/whomever also noted the correct address. Fortunately, now that nearly everyone uses the DOB as a verification tool, I’ve stopped getting reminders to pick up “my” new glasses.
    Additionally, way back in the 70s when I got married, the credit agencies decided to combine my excellent credit history with the terrible one from another Patricia xxx in another city. It took 6 weeks of constant communication before they realized their error and corrected it.

  19. LOLOL YAY! Though I seriously believe you may be the better candidate, I’m glad you cleared that up, though any of your serious readers wouldn’t have made that mistake. YOU ARE J.A. JANCE! And we love you!

  20. Love this blog.will continue to read your books untill I die or you quit writing them
    . I’m 82 and my sister is 90 and have all of your books.

  21. Reading the daily newspaper was both a tradition and ritual started watching my parents doing so as part of their breakfast routine, then reinforced by my Dad reading me the “funnies”, the comic section. That began 85 years ago. Later as a high school history and government teacher, newspaper articles were integrated into lesson plans, using those articles to teach students how to differentiate between a fact and an opinion, and how to identify propaganda techniques, including what belonged on the front page and what belonged on the editorial page.
    Gradually, those distinctions blurred as I saw journalism displayed in “my paper” change and become the instrument of one big political propaganda agenda.
    After my letters to the editor were ignored, I cancelled my subscription.
    Big adjustment…starting my day with morning coffee was not the same.
    Watching the “news” on TV is about the same…so, I don’t.
    It is still very important to me to know the facts of what is going on in the world…not easy, and it takes more time to check sources…then, I learned from my adult grandchildren they never watch TV for news, or read a newspaper…they compare and contrast in information on apps…questioning and verifying sources. So, I have adapted, have not gone “cold turkey” w/zero news. Works for me.

  22. Actually, you would probably make a much better president than some people I could mention, but then you wouldn’t have time to be a wonderful mystery and blog author, and that would never do!

  23. I too use to read The NY Times, Washington post, Tampa Bay Times, Miami Herald, and my local newspaper. I rarely read any of them any more. I don’t even watch the local TV news and definitely not the CNN, MSNBC, Fox, et al. It’s just too depressing at times. I notice my lack of understanding at election time. About 6 weeks I try to slurp in all I can to understand and learn about who is running for office. Boy!!!! Is that hard. Some candidates have excellent sites. Some are just a home page and little to nothing else. Then there are those who don’t even have a home—an automatic disqualifier. Until sanity returns along with civility, good education, or better candidates, I’ll struggle on as I am today.

  24. Think of all the good your books do – glad you chose that career path vs politics, although your wisdom and compassion would be a great plus in that arena.

    Now, are you going to tell us your preferred comics? I read all of them (2 pages) because every once in a while even the terrible ones are a chuckle. Like a stopped clock being right twice a day.


  25. I’m a news junkie. I take everything I read or hear on the national scene with a large spoon of salt, mentally, not physically.

  26. JD Vance has only been in the senate since 2023 so she shouldn’t have that much catch up to do.

  27. When JD Vance was announced as the VP choice, I wondered who he was. The only two Vance’s I’ve heard of were the airman for whom Vance Air Force Base in my birth town as named, and Cyrus Vance, President Carter’s Secretary of State. Then I found out JD had adopted the sir name of his grandmother who raised him while his mother was battling addiction. JD’s childhood is quite similar to that of my late husband’s. PS –JD has written only one book. I much prefer all of your series.

  28. Any day now you’ll be asked about being both a senator AND a NYT bestselling author! Maybe your next book can be a how-to book on productivity!

  29. That’s funny! I mentioned that similarity to my husband!

    Personally, I’d vote for you over JD Vance. Or Trump.

    Love your books!

  30. Well, the name similarity didn’t register with me until I just read your blog. Hope you don’t get too much flak over it. However, if you ever did run for anything, I definitely would vote for you!!

  31. This is too funny! Can’t imagine how someone would get the two of you confused. Love your books! My sister recommended you and then so
    did a friend. Loved the Tucson area, my in-laws had a home in Tucson, so I enjoy the feeling I am really “there” in your stories. Thank you for many hours of entertainment.

  32. If a person does not read the news, but does read books, I can see they might confuse the names. Both of you write books and both are on Goodreads. He has only the one book, I think. I did not think of the possible mixup until I read your blog. How funny! I don’t care what your political leanings are, I just do not want your books to become political. I read for escape…to go places I can’t physically go and have experiences I probably will never have in my real life and meet the wonderful characters that are not in my small world. But I really do not want political fiction when I read J.A. Jance. I love all of your series, but I think JP Beaumont is my favorite. I especially enjoy ‘reading’ those as audiobooks. The performer is perfect! I can’t remember his name. Keep writing and walking and thinking and blessing us with your books!

  33. I was surprised to see how many folks don’t watch TV anymore. I unplugged mine a couple of years ago and don’t miss it. Read one daily and two weekly newspapers which I subscribe to. Check a couple of others on-line, but not every day.

    I’d never heard of J.D. Vance either.

    I’ll stick with J. A. Jance who introduced me to my favorite J. P. Beaumont.

  34. I read the newspaper all my life but in 2012, I finally cancelled it. I had enjoyed searching the ads and I always loved the comics, but to be honest, I haven’t missed it at all. I love all the extra time I have now (I used to spend multiple trips to the road to see if the paper had arrrived) to read things like your blog and books!
    Thank you for always committing time to your readers every week!

  35. Cute. Very good point. And I understand JD has only been in Congress for 18 mo – 2 years. I would label him a rookie! We’ll see how that turns out. ?

  36. I pulled the plug several years ago but do admit I put a cheap outside antenna up . I get PBS, …love to watch Miss Scarlett and the Duke… I can also watch the Wheel and Jeopardy, and GRIT, the all western channel. Just those are enough for me. Any news , or what passes lllfor news automatically pops up at me every time I turn on my phone. Aggravates me to no end.
    Long time ago I got served with a warrant because I had the exact name as someone who owed money and back taxes because of a failed business he skipped out on. That was no fun. Mixing up JA And JD is fun because of that rhythm and rhyme. Reminds me of Mrs. Malaprop.
    I vote that you keep these blogs and books coming, JA. So much pleasure for everyone.

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