Random Acts – Joanna Brady and Ali Reynolds: August 9, 2016

cover for Random ActsI can’t believe that it’s almost time to launch off on another book tour, but it is, and here goes.

For years people wrote to me saying, “Ali Reynolds and Joanna Brady both live in Arizona.  When are they going to get together in a single book?”  It turns out that’s easier said than done since they have two separate publishers.  Ali is in the Simon and Schuster corner while Joanna is part of HarperCollins.  The legal complexities of doing a cross publisher novel is a lot like negotiating a peace treaty between warring nations.  Sorting out editorial and promotional responsibilities as well as the division of royalties is a logistical nightmare.  But then I came up with a novella idea as opposed to a novel one.
I persuaded my editors at both houses to let me write two novellas, one for each publisher, which would include both characters–Ali and Joanna.  The first of those was No Honor Among Thieves which came out last spring as an e-book and is in print in the back of the paperback version of Cold Betrayal.  By the way, if you missed reading that one, you may also have missed an important storyline memo—Joanna Brady is expecting again!

On August 9, the second joint novella goes on sale—Random Acts.  This is coming from HarperCollins.  It’s primarily an e-book as well, but Harper publishes a mass market paperback edition for all those folks who, no matter what, wouldn’t read an e-book on a bet.  If you want the paper and ink version, you will need to ask your local bookseller to order in a copy for you.  In my experience they do stock them in routinely.  

However you read Random Acts—in paper and ink or as an e-book—you need to know that the action in the novella precedes the action in Downfall, the upcoming Joanna Brady novel due out September 6.  

The Downfall tour schedule is not yet posted.  There have been some last minute changes, and it will be up as soon as possible.  I will for sure be in New Orleans for Bouchercon in mid-September.

Bookmarks_Downfal Bookmarks_Random ActsIn the meantime, here’s the bookmark call out—one call out for both Random Acts and Downfall.  

Please send a business-sized SASE to me at:

P.O. Box 766

Bellevue, WA 98009

One request will bring both bookmarks.  If they are not sent out prior to the beginning of the tour, then they’ll be sent out after the tour ends.  Please be patient.  There are a lot of you and there is only one of me, and each bookmark is autographed and personalized.

See you on the road.


PS.  Today is a milestone for me. I hit the big 7-0. No, it’s not my birthday. I passed the 70 mark in years a couple of years ago. No, today I hit the 70 pound loss marker. It has taken since April of last year to make that grade. I’m still walking, and it’s still working.

Not only is it working for Bill and me, it’s working for others, too, who have decided that it wasn’t too late for them to take uptake challenge, either.  I love hearing from you and knowing that you’re making progress, too.

As Red Green says, “Keep your stick on the ice. We’re all in this together.”

10 thoughts on “Random Acts – Joanna Brady and Ali Reynolds: August 9, 2016

  1. Congratulations on the milestone in your weight loss journey!Keep on truck’n!

  2. Congratulations on the successful weight loss. You have a lot to be proud of. You are a good example to anyone wanting to lose weight. It takes time and work. I’m thinking about the Little Engine that kept saying, “I think I can. I think I can.” When he reached his goal (I think was going up a hill.) “I knew I could. I knew I could.”

    Are you buying new clothes? Or getting back into some old ones you were keeping in a closet? Any good stories about trying on old clothes that are now way too big?

  3. I am so proud of you and Bill. I remember when you first started this project. Such a milestone for you. I think remember I you saying that Bill was having real back problems when you first started. I was so impressed when you said he was now walking as far as you.
    Keep up the good work. You are my hero …Jan

  4. Congratulations on the weight loss milestone. You have a lot to be proud of. Keep up the great work.

  5. Enjoy your books and always look forward to reading a new one. Congratulations on your 70! I appreciate you sharing your life with us and I find you to be an inspiration! I’ve been working to lose weight since September 2015 and have lost 42 pounds. It has been a struggle and sometimes I get discouraged. How do you keep your positive attitude?

  6. Congratulations on your weight loss and thank you for the inspiration! I am also one of those who said ( after hear you speak last Oct in Sierra Vista) I can walk too. I’m down 30 lbs now, my A1C is now 5.9 and my Dr has reduced some of my meds! I hit my step goal and am finally starting to look forward to getting off my rear!

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