Let’s All Take a Breath

I am a direct product of my upbringing in Bisbee, Arizona, not only as a result of how my parents raised me, but also because of the quality of the teachers who taught in the local schools.

Today I’m thinking of one that I’ve never mentioned before, my eighth grade Civics teacher, Mrs. Hennessey.

Our class was tough on teachers.  Several of them died shortly after our class passed through, and Mrs. Hennessey was one of those.  She retired after our eighth grade graduation and died, as I recall, within a matter of months of retirement. But here’s why I’m thinking of her today.

The year I was in the eighth grade there was a particularly divisive election for student body officers at Greenway School.  I have no idea who won or lost, but I do remember there were a lot of hard feelings generated by the outcome of that election. In the midst of that, Mrs. Hennessey sat us down as a class and told us that we needed to learn to be good winners and good losers. (The idea of trophies for participation had not yet come into vogue.)

This country could use a bit of Mrs. Hennessey’s advice along about now. Maybe she could send it out in a tweet, because that’s what we’re seeing right now—bad winners and bad losers.

If you look at the votes, numerically things are about fifty/fifty, give or take a couple of million. So what does that mean? It doesn’t mean that the half of the country who happens to disagree with you is automatically, evil, stupid, racist, xenophobic or whatever. I’m sorry, calling your opponents names is so … well … junior highish! Hillary was right when she said, “We’re stronger together,” because we are! It was all of us pulling together who defeated Hitler and Japan.  

I try to keep politics out of my books because it’s clear to me that my readers come from both sides of the political divide. From a practical business point of view, it seems improbably stupid to offend either one. For one thing, I believe people read popular fiction as an escape from the real world, politics included.

If fiction is supposed to provide entertainment, news is supposed to provide just that—NEWS not diatribes.  And that brings me back to the teachings of yet another of my Bisbee teachers, Rachel Riggins, the long ago journalism teacher and newspaper advisor at Bisbee High School.  She made it clear that if we wanted to editorialize, we needed to write an editorial, and if we were reporting news, we needed to stick with the five W’s—who, what, where, when, and sometimes why.

I think many folks in the media, including the NFL, have lost sight of that. If you consistently trash one side or the other, guess what? People are going to start voting with their remotes.  They’ll stop watching. They’ll stop clicking on articles. They’ll stop visiting websites. And what will happen then? Advertising dollars will start drying up. It seems to me that disrespecting approximately half the people in the country is not a good way of doing business.

As you may have already deduced, I’m one of those dreaded Republicans—a deplorable as it were. But I’m also someone who burned a bra once (It was a nursing bra which I tossed on a barbecue grill after I cooked dinner which meant that, as a bra burning, it was pretty much a mixed message!) I’m also someone who walked ten miles for the equal rights amendment in Tucson in August on the occasion of Susan B. Anthony’s birthday.

Does my “outing” myself as an R. mean that some of my readers will immediately place me on their “I’ll never read another” lists?  Probably. By the way, those “Never read another” folks come from both sides of the aisle. Like the lady who stopped reading because Joanna and Butch released helium balloons at her parents’ funerals. Didn’t I understand how bad helium balloons are for the environment? (Never mind that these were entirely fictional balloons in an entirely fictional environment!) And then there was the guy who stopped reading my books because Ali Reynolds’s butler Leland Brooks was gay and I was “promoting the gay agenda.”

Let’s all just step back for a moment, and let this country settle in with its change in leadership. I don’t think things are going to be either as good or as bad as anyone is saying. Oh, and if you aren’t registered and didn’t vote, then sit down, shut up, and stop deriding the people who did.

Mrs. Hennessey never said that to our class back then, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she’d stand up and say it now.

Somebody certainly needs to.

47 thoughts on “Let’s All Take a Breath

  1. While I do believe in boycotting to protest certain conditions, I can’t imagine anything that would keep me from reading your books. I sometimes introduce myself as an unrepentant child of the ’60’s. I once considered becoming a socialist but thought better of it. My dad was a dyed-in-the-wool Reagan man. My mom came from a family of Republicans. When we moved to Louisiana in 1959, it was still the Long era, which meant everything was pretty much decided in the Democratic primary. My brother and I convinced her to register as a Democrat, and she took it from there. She later wrote letters to the editor opposing the war in Vietnam. I have worked with many varieties of people and cultures, and I find that mutual respect is the key to “working together.” Your writing jibes with this philosophy. The “bad guy” can be anyone, regardless of culture, sex or race! Thanks for providing us with such wonderful books.

  2. Agree 100 percent. And it would take a lot more than “outing” your political leanings to keep me from reading your books.

  3. I’m not a Trump supporter, but some of my FB “friends” including relatives are. We’ve had some heated discussions, but I’ve not “outed” them. Fortunately, I discovered your Joanna Brady series and read the first nine as an “escape” during the final weeks of the election. Thanks for helping save my sanity. I can’t out you. I’m on number ten now.

  4. As a conservative Dem (not an oxymoron)
    I applaud your courage to speak up for your beliefs Keep writing

  5. You are such an inspiration in my life.i apprsciate reading what you write. I will always read your books, blogs, heck i would read your doodle notes (laughing, but i mean it!). You have such wonderful logics. I wish for my mind and hands to work with such a flow as yours does. God bless you. Thank you for being such a caring, intelligent, and eloquent woman with a message

  6. You’re a wise woman. I’m a “deplorable” too, but I would never stop reading a beloved author because of his/her political preference…or any preference for that matter. I have been wondering of late if schools even teach civics any more. I’ll have to do some research into our local schools. I find all your characters interesting and some I like more than others, but if I get mad at one for something, I am mad at them, not you. After all, you’re the creator who has talent to stir up my emotions. How boring it would be to read a book and never feel anything!!

  7. Oh my gosh…if I wasn’t already your biggest fan, I am now after reading this blog…THANK YOU. I only wish everyone could read it.
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  8. It’s not unusual to want more and settle for less. D’s and R’s might have this in common now and in coming months. For some, it’s automatic anger, resentment, derision when someone messes with their dreams of how they think things should/could be. Some others feel shock and despair. They all forgot dreams/wishes are just dreams/wishes. They are not guarantees for realization. Wanting desperately can’t make things so…so if the tidal wave is coming [like in Dr. Newman, MD], hurry and do your best to learn how to live under water.

  9. Dearest J.A.,
    Thanks for being the voice of reason today. I’m a D, did vote, and will continue to speak out vociferously when our government officials perpetrate injustice, but I completely agree with you about the need to wipe the froth from our mouths and switch off the click-bait fake news. For now, I’m going to wear my safety pin and go about my business. There’s nothing to be gained by letting myself get all worked up by frantic Facebook/Twitter postings about what might happen. As Mama said, “Don’t borrow trouble.”

  10. I agree with you totally! With all the protesters and riots over the last week, I worry about what next the young people of today will do. Never in a million years would I have disrespected people and our country as they are doing now. So sad! By the way, I have read everyone one of your books and am anxiously waiting for your new one “Man Overboard”. Thank you for all your words and books!

  11. Bravo! You have voiced what many of us feel at this time — no matter whether we are a D or an R. Even President Obama said as much in his recent press conference. Take a deep breath and let the new guy settle in then see what happens. The nature of the office and the way our forefathers planned for it to work assures that nothing can be done over quickly or rashly. Trust the system.

  12. Thank you for speaking your mind. I agree with you 100%. Let’s be calm and see what happens.

  13. I’ll read you for as long as you write! No doubt you write because you love it, not just for the financial reward. I hope you bring a book signing to So. Cal so I can meet you!

  14. I agree, totally. One of my friends on FB asked that any person who voted for Trump de-friend her.

  15. Well said JA Jance, either way I would never stop reading your books. Like you said we all need to settle down and see what happens.

  16. Had Mike Pence, with whom I disagree on almost everything, been at the top of the ticket, I would agree with you 100%. I do agree that both sides should be civil. I do agree that those who did couldn’t be bothered to vote should shut up. However, I am a “bad loser” because I feel the Trump voters entrusted their important message to a completely immoral man and con artist. Seems to be that expecting Trump to change his stripes is no different than expecting the head of Ocotillo Fund Management in Clawback to give back the money!

  17. So disappointed in your political view that elected our next president however, I still love your books and won’t stop reading them.

  18. I’ll keep reading.. One thing doesn’t have anything to do, with the other… plus I love Joann Brady and Beaumont. .

  19. Love your books & even though I’m a Liberal “D” I’m a big fan & plan on remaining one!!! I had a lot of heartburn with people voting, but not casting a vote for President!! As long as I’m able I intend to be very outspoken about my beliefs & will vote in every election! I agree most need to sit down & shut up!!

  20. IF YOU LIVE IN GLASS HOUSES DO NOT THROW STONES… We have tried to live by that rule our whole lives. I am so embarrassed by or political parties this year. There was violence, hate, racism the full meal deal. Out of all the Americans in this country we are given the privilege of voting for not the best but better than the other one ( depending on who you wanted) . To Debate is a sharing of ideas without being personal and with respect. Some of this Country’s Citizens forgot what voting stands for. I do AGREE that if you don’t VOTE you don’t have the RIGHT TO BITCH.
    You cannot PLEASE ALL THE PEOPLE ALL THE TIME… Be faithful to yourself and you will never be off my BOOK LISTS… Your friend Jan the dreaded Liberal…. lol

  21. Democrat, Republican, Green, Libertarian or something else.
    I do not care, what matters to me is..
    How you behave.

    J.A Jance, that’s someone I would vote for.
    Could be possible that I would not agree on everything, but I would trust her judgement.

  22. Well said and thank you! I’ll keep reading your books even if you are that “R” person! I don’t care what your party affiliation is so long as you vote and respect others along the way!

  23. YEAH, JAJance is a R!!!!!! Me too….now let’s stand back & see what happens. NONE of those people who said they would leave the country have packed yet. I even volunteered to help them pack!!!
    Love your books, all of them.

  24. I’m glad to hear there are a few “R’s” in King county. You have always been my favorite author and I thank you for your moment of reason. I’m amazed at the number of people that think it’s ok to destroy other people’s property just because they don’t like a candidate. In my 40 years of voting I have never seen a conservative destroy other people’s property. Thank you for letting me vent.

  25. Thank you! You put in words exactly what I have been thinking, including your comment re news and opinion. Betty

  26. I do not consider myself a “poor loser” for crying when it became clear that one candidate’s documented racism/homophobia/misogyny/xenophobia/public mimicking of the disabled/long term pattern of deviant sexual behavior (grabbing and more)/long term pattern of fraudulent business practices/demonstrable ties to foreign enemies/stated intention to abuse political power to effect personal vendettas… were not deal breakers for nearly half of those who voted. I cried for so many of my family and friends who, despite the apparent progress in civil rights over the past 6 decades, now endure existential fears and threats related to our new political reality. I cried because so many voted, consciously or not, to do harm to fellow citizens. I cried for children who will grow up with a president who consistently uses his bully pulpit to disrespect others and incite violence. I did not consider myself a poor loser when I could not finish singing our national anthem at a recent public event. “Oh, say does that star-spangled banner still wave o’er the land of the free?” It was never really a question before, but this time I couldn’t keep singing. I sobbed, not for a lost election but for so much more.

    • Agree, I’ll never understand & I hope all will write your Congressman to get rid of the Electoral College NOW! It’s long overdue!! Popular vote is now over 1.5 million votes ahead for HRC!!!

  27. Finally, a voice of reason. I blame the mainstream media for a lot of this mess. Their blatant slanted “reporting” and deliberate half-truths has caused no end of problems. Watching all the talking heads melting down the next day made me giggle. I do not believe anything the mainstream press prints. They continue to lie and deliberately misconstrue what is actually bring said and have destroyed their credibility. I would like to see a recount done with all the dead voters and illegal voters removed and only legal votes counted. Anyway, it’s my opinion we got a God driven result. Trump won despite the media and all the voter fraud. I am thankful we live in a republic country not a socialist one.

    • You sure he did win despite fraud votes?
      Maybe he did win because of them? 😉
      I believe the votes are right. This ain’t a Simpsons episode, see episode “Sideshow Bob Roberts”.
      And Media?
      There has been a lot of fake news sites and sadly people that believe they are real.

      I want live and see if this businessman gets things done good, or if he manages to screw up.

  28. Great comment and well supported by your readers.

    Hope more people could read this blog as it is so true no matter where in this world you live

    Thank you

  29. No particular comments at this time. Just wanted to wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving. Hope you have a wonderful day with your family. Bon appetite.

  30. Trump is an immoral man and a con artist. I have talked to a few people who voted for Trump and our perspectives on society and what is the best for this nation are so far apart. The gulf is vast between my ideals and theirs.

    BTW – I’m reading Justice Denied, my first book by this author. I lived in Seattle for 8 years and never watched Fox news or read Ayn Rand so her comment about not infiltrating politics in her novels is not true. I Googled to see if she was a Republican from what she wrote and came across this blog. Honestly, be real!

  31. I was gifted one of your books and decided to give it a chance. Within the first two chapters there were obvious anti-immigrant undertones. I decided to do some research on you, because I wasn’t sure if those were your personal beliefs or just how the character was written. Clearly, it seems to line up with your political ideology. No hate here, just saying that such a message alienated me as a reader. It’s very hurtful to read.

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